The world’s population is moving past seven billion and quickly towards the nine billion person mark. This rapid and significant population growth will be accompanied by equally significant economic growth, particularly in China and India. When combined, the population growth and its corresponding economic surge requires societies around the world to not only adapt to the health implications of an already changed climate and environment but also seek more efficient and less environmentally impactful ways to grow food and manufacture goods. Within the social imperative of addressing these global challenges lies the enormous opportunity for the innovative solutions biotechnology delivers. Whether in Europe, Canada or elsewhere, biotech innovation is becoming increasingly central to the global competitiveness of the industries and sectors that form the the economic foundation of economies. In this context, National Biotech Week represents an important opportunity to acknowledge the global challenges and opportunities faced by all of society while also showcasing the many important industrial, health and agricultural solutions biotech provides in addressing these challenges. On behalf of the member companies of BIOTECanada and Canada’s biotech industry more broadly, congratulations to Europabio and its partner biotech associations on celebrating the second annual European Biotech Week.